


Amerigo has a team of innovative people focused on adding value for shareholders and stakeholders through operational excellence and sustainability at the MVC operation.  The corporate strategy for sustainability is based on three pillars of responsibility: economic, social and environmental.


Amerigo is committed to operational efficiency, continuous improvement and compliance at the MVC operation in order to maximize corporate profitability.  Amerigo complies with the Equator Principles (EP), a risk management framework adopted by financial institutions which has become the financial industry standard for environmental and social project risk management.  Financial institutions adopt the EPs to ensure that the projects they finance are developed in a socially responsible manner and reflect sound environmental management practices


Amerigo is committed to building and maintaining respectful relationships with people in the community, employees and other stakeholders.  Transparent relationships within the community, through timely and clear communication, contribute to the growth and development of local and regional communities.  Health and safety policies for employees contribute to the prevention of injuries and illness.  The construction of the first phase of development of the Cauquenes project was completed with zero injuries.


Amerigo is committed to environmentally responsible activities to protect the community, natural resources and cultural heritage at and around the MVC operation.  MVC has a Social/Environmental & Social Management System Manual in place to guide its activities and ensure compliance with applicable Chilean regulations.

Starting in 2020, all the electricity used at MVC is being supplied from renewable sources. MVC received its first annual Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) from the International REC Standard, the REC is an Energy Attribute Certificate under which MVC can reliably claim that 100% of its electricity consumption came from renewable sources. MVC is leading the way in Chile and within the mining industry worldwide through this certification as a 100% renewable-powered operation.